FASTR - Departments (Business Units) in columns

Robert Robinson

Robert Robinson

Reputable Poster
I am soooooooo rusty at this...we are predominantly on OneWorld, but one of our units is still on World. One of the users wishes to create a P & L by department, with each department as a separate column. I have tried using the 'RC' code in the Column Specs. The report processes, but department 1 is in column 1 on page 1, department 2 is in column 2 on page 2, department 3, column 3, page 3, etc. I have checked the general an row specs, and I do not see anything causing a page break after department.
I have forgotten - is there any way to put all of the departments on 1 page?
Double check your general speciifications. It sounds like sequencing on business unit and page breaking. Change your sequencing to something else (possible company) and try again
No page break...however, the Business Unit was the lead dog (Seq #1 - A/D, yes)...I added the company to the general specs, removed the Cost Center (OK, since the Cost Center is being defined in the Column Specs), and it ran just fine.

Definitely too rusty (maybe too many face plants)...
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