F4211 Edit Line causing memory leaks intermittently



I am calling F4211 Begin Doc, F4211 Edit Line and F4211 End Doc functions using XML from a third party system. Intermittently I am getting memory leak issues in the Edit Line function and the transaction is stopping abruptly as soon as this happens. I am getting the following error from edit line.

AddSOEEditLineSharedDataCache process failed .

This is only happening on server and that too randomly. The same transaction would pass without any issues before and after few mins of getting that error. So I am eliminating the data that is being passed to this bsfn's is causing the issue. I can place the same transaction without any issues 9 out of 10 times.

I turned on the debug on the server and it clearly says that error occured at B423011.C line 1228. I looked at the code and confirmed all the 5 variables used to create the cache (Job No, Process ID, Trans ID, Machine Name, cmLine) at this line are being passed correctly for all the three functions correctly.

One more error in debug log: "CAC0001025 - Application code leaked 8 caches which were detected when freeing environment PY900 (EnvHandle 301a98b8)"

I compared the debug logs of a successful and unsuccesful transaction and it seems that the cache created in the Begin doc (F42UI01 and F42UI02) is not getting recognized in the Edit line. I don't know whether Being Doc is not creating the cache correctly(but the return code is 0) or the edit line is not reading it correctly (return code is 2) but there seems to be cache issue for sure.

We are on 9.0 (tools 8.98).

Please let me know if any one has seen this issue before or if you any suggestions on how solve this issue.

Are you using XML Call Object? I would start by looking at your session time out setting in the call. Also review the session ID for the BegDoc call and the EditLine call to make sure they are the same.

We make heavy use of XML Call Object and we had some issues with XML Call Object when we upgraded form Xe to 9.0 and had to get a POC to fix it, so it might be an XML Call Object issue as well.
Hi Boster,

Thanks for the update. Actually we are also upgrading from xe to and 9.0 and we are using the XML call object to make these bsfn calls.

I will check the session id's, but can you please provide me more information regd the POC fix that you applied.

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