Event Rule Compilation Log (Full PKG Build)


Active Member
Dear List,

While I am building a full package after XU7 I am getting compile errors. This log file that is in \\Server NAME\B7333\DV7333\PACKAGE\DVFULL-B\log show:



TBLE - F74S91 - Model 349 - Record Type 1 - Spain

Created : Sat Jun 07 18:35:56 2003


/* CER ERROR #3046 : Failed to fetch DDDict */
Function Name: F74S91_CURRENCY
Function Description: Table ER for CURRENCY
Event: 9 - Currency Conversion is On
/* szDict = SPDN */


/* CER ERROR #3005 : Unable to fetch DS template items */
Function Name: F74S91_CURRENCY
Function Description: Table ER for CURRENCY
Event: 9 - Currency Conversion is On
/* F74S91 */

I checked the build log also and the errors I am getting are documented in OTM-03-0010 (Client Package Build Logs) and is as follows:

Please note that I had errors on different NERs and not the one mentioned in the following abstract.

\DEPLOYMENT\B733\CRPB733\package\FULLTEST\include\n55deb05.h(68) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ')' before identifier 'lpDS'
// This indicates there was an error in the n55deb05.h file. This file is an
// NER, because it starts with an "n". If the user searches the NER list above,
// they will find it did not generate the NER correct causing these errors. User
// needs to correct the errors in the NER generation of N55deb05.

\\INTELNTC\OWENVIRON\environ\evapps\appl_pgf\APPL_PGF\package\APPL_B\include\n55deb05.h(68) : error C2081: 'LPDSD55DEB01' : name in formal parameter list illegal
\\INTELNTC\OWENVIRON\environ\evapps\appl_pgf\APPL_PGF\package\APPL_B\include\n55deb05.h(68) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'lpDS'
\\INTELNTC\OWENVIRON\environ\evapps\appl_pgf\APPL_PGF\package\APPL_B\include\n55deb05.h(68) : error C2059: syntax error : ';'
\\INTELNTC\OWENVIRON\environ\evapps\appl_pgf\APPL_PGF\package\APPL_B\include\n55deb05.h(68) : error C2059: syntax error : ')'
\\INTELNTC\OWENVIRON\environ\evapps\appl_pgf\APPL_PGF\package\APPL_B\source\N55DEB05.c(41) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ')' before identifier 'lpDS'
\\INTELNTC\OWENVIRON\environ\evapps\appl_pgf\APPL_PGF\package\APPL_B\source\N55DEB05.c(41) : error C2081: 'LPDSD55DEB01' : name in formal parameter list illegal
\\INTELNTC\OWENVIRON\environ\evapps\appl_pgf\APPL_PGF\package\APPL_B\source\N55DEB05.c(41) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'lpDS'
\\INTELNTC\OWENVIRON\environ\evapps\appl_pgf\APPL_PGF\package\APPL_B\source\N55DEB05.c(41) : error C2059: syntax error : ';'
\\INTELNTC\OWENVIRON\environ\evapps\appl_pgf\APPL_PGF\package\APPL_B\source\N55DEB05.c(41) : error C2059: syntax error : ')'

How can I solve this issue.

Ather Iqbal
Windows 2000, SQL 7.0, XU7
The objects on which I am getting the error are:
1-N0800245 - Calculate Employee Hours Worked
2-N76A0480 - Plug & Play - Split Taxes -ARG
3-N98RUNIO - Named ER test table IO

Two of them I think are obsolete. Will it be safe for me to delete these from OMW to complete my package. Or should I just check them out so it will not be included in pkg build.

Would appreciate comments.

Ather Iqabal
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