Debugger is running but not working!!!


Dear all,

Please help me. I used to use the debugger and it used to work normally. However, suddenly, I have been unable to debug Reports' ER. The debugger runs normally, and I am setting breakpoints on many ER statements, but the debugger is igonring them. Any suggestion? Is it an activation, deactivation issue? Is it an INI file issue. Please help as the debugger helps me a lot in the testing process...
You didn't provide many details, so it's a little hard to help you. Is it only one UBE that is causing the problem or is it all UBEs?

If it is one specific UBE, my bet is that you are running a different version than you have set up in debugger. I've done this a few times, and it drives me nuts until I figure it out.

Another possibility is that you set your breakpoint in the "Do" section, but there isn't any data for the report to process - so the Do section is skipped. You may want to check your data selection and/or duplicate it in UTB or SQL to confirm data exists. I'm guessing you've already done this, but it's worth mentioning.

Obviously, I'm assuming that you are running the UBE locally...

By the way, it is best to include your system configuration in your post. There are a wide range of configurations across the people who use this forum, and the "answer" for one configuration may not be the same for another.

I hope this helps.
Couple of quick things to check:
1) make sure that your UBE is running locally
2) make sure that you have the right version loaded into the debugger.
3) remove the UBE from the debugger and then re-add it (or righ click and select "Rebild DIA").
Are you on a web release of E1? If so, make sure you have the following entry in the [DEBUG] section of your jde.ini file:


Good luck.
I don't know why I'm answering this since you wouldn't tell us your release and version ...

anyway if you are a fat client version (like XE) then in your JDE.INI file look in the [UBE] section and comment / remove the line

Dear all, thank you so much. I discovered my problem. In the windows User accounts, my role did not include debugging applications. So when I added the debugging role, this allowed me to launch the Application Center Test Broker and Controller services. I don't know if that was the reason but it worked with me.

Moreover, I am sorry coz I did not mention my release versions: We are using EnterpriseOne 811 SP1 with Tools Release 8.96G1. Thank you all, and I am glad that I have joined such a nice Forum where its members provide help for each others...
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