cursor at RRN



Hi all!

How can we place the cursor pointer at a particular RRN Number record(eg: a record with RRN 30) using command line commands

Thanks for any reply

Sounds to me like you are doing a Basic AS/400 (Iseries) Concepts course 101. I think the "lecturer" wants you to do your own research rather than using JDEList to answer your assignment question!! Nonetheless - using the cmd DSPPFM (you better find out what the command really means and what a file member is for yourself) will allow you to display records in a file, one of the functions (and/or screen options) is to display from a specific record. This loosely is the RRN. Question for you though is what about deleted records - do they affect what display when you nominate a specific record number?? Maybe while you are doing this you should also familiarise yourself with F4 and F1 and other Help capabilities.
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