Cross Reference our Hyperion Account to Account Master


I would like to have our Hyperion account cross reference to the account master (F0901). Unfortunately, some Hyperion accounts would be cross referenced to multiple accounts on F0901. Therefore I cannot utilize the Free Form (3rd account number) because this field must be unique. Also, out Hyperion account can be over 10 characters long and therefore the cat codes will not work.
I really do not want to create a custom table. Does anyone have any suggestions to this issue? My only thought would be to use the free form and after the Hyperion account to include a space and then a sequential number scheme to make this field unique.

I doubt if this is very useful, but you could use a combination of cat codes.

I had done a lot with interfacing JDE and Hyperion.
I had used a cross referece table but what you could do is
use a cat code and the description of the cat code could be your hyperion account. So you would only need to use one cat code and pull in the description field to link to hyperion. That way it would be very quick to find an account with a missing cat code.

hope this helps
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