Changing from level 20 to level 40 security

  • Thread starter jerrysbassplayer
  • Start date


We are currently at a level 20 security on an IBM iseries (gasp, I know). We are going to change to a level 40 using adoptive authority. I have done some security work in the past, but I would not consider myself an expert by any stretch of the imagination. I know the basics of getting us to where we want to go, but I was wondering if anyone was out there that has gone thru this that could let me know about any unseen issues that could bite me in the butt.
One thing you're likely to bump into using adopted authority is with submitted jobs. When your initial program adopts owner authority to allow your users access to things that they don't have authority to, things should be OK for interactive processes. Once they submit a job, the chain of authority adoption is broken, and their batch job will fail with authority errors.


I agree with Emmanuel. Particularly home grown or older third party software will suffer from this issue. There is a security wizard built into iSeries Navigator that might help you identify some of the issues ahead of time.

Otherwise there are several excellent consultants out there that could help you through the process.

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