

Well Known Member
Hello List,
Is anyone using the Budgeting process within JDE? What is your take on it?

AS400 V5R1 XE U7 SP 20 W2K

Libbi Fletcher
Systems Administrator
HoMedics, Inc.
3000 Pontiac Trail
Commerce Township, MI 48390
248-863-3001 ext. 1281
Hi Libbi!

I´m not sure if I understood what you mean but I´m working hard with the JDE OneWorld´s Budget. Our client had a serious problem because they changed the default original budget ledger from BA to JA, because they don´t want to use the Job Cost. If you need any further information or help, I´ll be pleased to help you.

I just wanted to know if there are customers using the budgeting within One
World and if so, what are its problems, gotchas, or strengths. We would like
to do budgets at a department level, show them on a report quarterly, etc.

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