B0900090 - Not Bringing Back Sub Account Totals


Legendary Poster
I am working with the Function B0900090 – Trial Balance Calculate Balances

According to the documentation of the function, if I put in a

This function can act either of two ways:
1. Can calculate the account balance for one specific account (Most common use).
To accomplish this pass a "9" in the cRequestedLevelOfDetail parameter.
2. Can calculate the account balance for one specific account AND all other accounts that are underneath this account in Level of Detail. (Used in LOD Trial Balances).
To accomplish this pass the requested roll up LOD in the cRequestedLevelOfDetail parameter, and the Account's actual LOD in the cAccountLevelOfDetail.

I am targeting Option 2 – I want the account balance for the specified account and all its children. According to the notes, I believe the functions should be configured as such
(Trial Balance Calculate Balances [TrialBalanceCalculateBalances,B0900090,D0900090,CFIN]
DS szBusinessUnit [D0900090,MCU] <- TK CostCenter[V09410,F0901,MCU]
DS szObjectAccount [D0900090,OBJ] <- TK ObjectAccount[V09410,F0901,OBJ]
DS szSubsidiary [D0900090,SUB] <- TK Subsidiary[V09410,F0901,SUB]
DS cAccountLevelOfDetail [D0900090,LDA] <- TK LevelOfDetailAcctCde[V09410,F0901,LDA]
DS szSubledger [D0900090,SBL] <- DS szSubledger [T5509551W,SBL]
DS cSubledgerType [D0900090,SBLT] <- DS cSubledgerType [T5509551W,SBLT]
DS szCurrencyCode [D0900090,CRCD] <- DS szCurrencyCode [T5509551W,CRCD]
DS szLedgerType1 [D0900090,LT] <- rpt_szLedgerType [LT]
DS mnPeriodNumber1 [D0900090,PN] <- rpt_mnPeriodNumber [PN]
DS mnFiscalYear1 [D0900090,FY] <- rpt_mnFiscalYear [FY]
DS mnCentury1 [D0900090,CTRY] <- rpt_mnCurrentCentury [CTRY]
DS mnPeriodAmount1 [D0900090,AA] -> RV CurrentPeriodBalance [AA]
DS mnYTDAmount1 [D0900090,AA] -> RV YearToDateBalance [AA]
DS mnBalanceForwardAmount1 [D0900090,AA] -> RV PriorYearEndBalance [AA]
DS cAddBalanceForwardToYTDAmount [D0900090,EV01] <- 'N'
DS szAccountID [D0900090,AID] <- TK AccountId[V09410,F0901,AID]
DS cRequestedLevelOfDetail [D0900090,LDA] <- '9'
DS cPostingEditCode [D0900090,PEC] <- TK PostingEdit[V09410,F0901,PEC]
DS cUseAllJCBudgetLedgersFlag [D0900090,EV01] <-
DS cCalculateJobCostBalances [D0900090,EV01] <- sec_cJobCostBUFlag_EV01 [EV01]

When I run the function – I am expecting it to bring me back all the children (those with greater LDA), nicely totaled. However, I am getting a big nothing on some accounts. On those accounts where I get the goose egg, the F0901.PEC (Posting Edit) is =N (so I’d expect it to cause things to be rolled up). That leads me to wonder if I have the Function incorrect or if the setup between the Parent (LDA 6) and the Expected Child (LDA 9) are not connected.


What actually correlates the Parent to the Child (or is there something?) The desire was to calculate the account balance for the One Specified Account AND all the other accounts that are underneath the account in Level of Detail. I am wondering if a Parent Child Relationship is missing somewhere?

Were you able to get this figured out? I am having a similar issue with R09410. When I enter an "*" in the subledger POs for the report, I get no totals and debug shows everything being blanked out. When I do not have an "*" in the subledger POs I get totals. TIA.

Excuse me: R09410 uses the same BSFN.
I have found the enemy and it is me. Grand totals should be zero at the end. Guess I have more to learn about financial reports
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