Automating Package Builds


[crazy] Is there a way to automate package builds in Xe. I have to build and deploy 2 update packages over the weekend every week. I was wondering if there was any JDE facility/command line options for automating the package build and deploy process.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
First of all, I won't recommend the idea doing built and deploying the
package for future date. The reason is , if at all the package built
goes into error, you might end up deploying errored package.

Secondly, I haven't heard about anyone building a package
automatically. As far as deployment is concerned, you can schedule the
package for future date. There is a setup that you need to go through
and you have to keep the workstations on for the deployment to take

- Santosh

--- knramana <[email protected]> wrote:

Santosh Gawde
Senior CNC Specialist - J.D.Edwards OneWorld


Senior J.D.Edwards Consultant - CNC
OneWorld B7331...XE,
HP-Unix, AS400, NT
Oracle/SQL Server/DB2
630-505-8321 - H, 630-452-9811 - Cell
[email protected]
I have done this using a "wrapper" UBE and the UBEPRINT command scheduled with the Windows scheduler on the deployment server.

The problem with R9621 is that it has no processing options. Therefore you cannot create a version to build a specific package. The package name gets passed in from the Package Build application. What I did was create R559621 with a single processing option - Package Name. I then launched R9621 using this processing option. Now realise that this R559621 has to be in the Planner Path code to work with the Deployment server. You also need to have Assembled and Defined the packages to be built. The wrapper UBE simply launches a package build you have already assembled and activated. But as far as automating the launch process I found this to work.

If you prefer to do your builds from a CNC Administration Workstation then you could put this wrapper UBE in a normal path code.

You need to leave the workstation logged in for this to work easily so that you do not have to script logging into the DEP7333 environment. If you want to script the logging process I suggest you look at MacroScheduler.

I agree with the other note posted here. You should not automatically deploy after building the package. As with all things OneWorld you need to verify build success before deploying. That being said I went as far as to write scripts that reviewed the package build logs for the Client and Server builds and then kicked off the Deployment UBE. I have decided not to use it because I still prefer to do the final check manually.

Be very careful here you are automating us out of a job!
Package building and deployment is our lifes blood. This is the very reason we give up our weekends when we have international systems.


To tell you the truth I prefer not giving up my weekends to click the mouse 8 times. If I am going to give up my weekends it will be to do or new and interesting things. So while I hear you, I can't help myself.

International deployments involving multiple time zones and 24 by 7 operations are in even more need of CNC automation. These are things JDE should have built into the system long ago. Configurable Network Computing is a great concept given the tools to manage it. If JDE will not build them I suggest that we, the CNC techs of the world, build them.

I am sure there will still be plenty of work to go around if package build and deployment is truly automated -- taking the blame for for functional issues until we prove that someone change the G/L constants, listening to user's complaints about "invalid overwrite or read" messages, deploying a service pack to fix problems every month or two and then troubleshooting the new problems that the new service pack introduces. And if that is not enough there will always be that newly-graduated Big 5 consultant who needs to be taught how to transfer a file from their laptop to the project documentation network share. Now that's my life's blood. Hooyah!

Let me plant a more fun idea in the collective CNC conscienceness. Let's have party just for CNC'ers when JDE finally hits Service Pack 50. Kind of a Silver Jubilee to celebrate our mightly struggle towards software perfection. ;-}
Thanks a lot! Now I atleast have an idea that It can be done. I understand that the "check" is imperative before deploying a build.

Thanks again guys for sharing your experience.
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