Auto Refresh main power from at a regular intervals


Active Member
Hello -

We have a powerform (Dashboard) which is embedded with 4 subforms and would like to refresh the dashboard after at a regular intervals. Is anyone implemented this in the past? Would be nice, if we get some hint/input or any other work around.

We call a bsfn(B55xxx) in Post Button click - Async event but somehow conrol ui APIs does not work. B55xxx, sleeps for 3 minutes and trigger control UI apis (B4210960).

Thank you for the help.


The only way I know to do this is with embedded JavaScript. The "timer control" will have to be client side, I don't believe this can be done with a BSFN, ER Code, Async events, or any combination. If you search jdelist you should find some threads discussing embedded JavaScript and even this scenario.
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