AS/400 and JDE Log Review >> SOX


Hello everyone.

I am not sure if this post belongs in this forum or not, but I thought it would be a good place to start.

My company is required to be SOX compliant and one issue that continues to arise with each audit is the review of daily JDE and iSeries job logs. I have a very small staff consisting of myself, a senior systems analyst, and a developer. We have a third party hosting provider that handles the technical and CNC side. Combined, we are responsible for 7 companies in 4 different time zones (including two companies in China) and approximatley 250 users.

The question I have to the group is. Are there any other SOX companies out there that have been presented with this issue from the auditors? If so, how did you resolve it?

I do not have the staff to perform daily review of all of the logs and I do not want to add cost at my 3rd party hosting provider to have them do it. We have messages being emailed directly to our Helpdesk when jobs fail on the iSeries side. In addition, our hosting provider has developed a daily "System Health Checklist" for the JDE side that would pick up any issues. I'm still waiting on feedback from the auditors to see if the checklist will be acceptable, but I have my doubts.

I am optimistic that someone has implemented some type of solution to simply provide the necessary data of what has failed or requires attention.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
You may want to try using AllOutSecurity. They have a very comprehensive product for compliance and security management for JDE for both E1 and World versions. It works really well if you want to create all kinds of Sox reporting including segregation of duty reporting.
If you need any details on Sox compliance tool AllOutSecurity features and functions I will be happy to reply.
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