E9.2 AIS dataservice Query content format for F0101.UPMJ


I'm trying to filter on UPMJ last update on various tables in AIS so that my sync process that keeps a copy of JDE information only gets changed records. I came across this https://e1tips.com/e1-dates/ which converts real dates to the 6 or 8 digit dates but neither a date nor those dates are not working in my filter here is the Curl of my request

curl --location --request POST 'http://aisserver:port/jderest/v2/dataservice' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic replaceThisWithBasicAuthToken' \
--data-raw '{
"token": "replaceThisWithGetTokenValue",
"ssoEnabled" : false,
"aliasNaming" : true,
"showActionControls" : false,
"includeTimings" : false,
"allowCache" : true,
"forceUpdate" : false,
"setDirtyOnly" : false,
"nextPageTimeInterval" : 0,
"findOnEntry" : "TRUE",
"maxPageSize" : "1",
"returnControlIDs" : "F0101.AN8|F0101.ALPH|F0101.AT1|F0101.UPMJ",
"targetName" : "F0101",
"targetType" : "table",
"dataServiceType" : "BROWSE",
"enableNextPageProcessing" : true,
"nextPageTimeInterval1" : "10000",
"query" : {
"autoFind" : true,
"condition" : [ {
"value" : [ {
"content" : "0",
"specialValueId" : "LITERAL"
} ],
"controlId" : "F0101.UPMJ",
"operator" : "GREATER"
} ]

If I run with
"content" : "0",
it will not really filter and will display records such as

"fs_DATABROWSE_F0101": {
"title": "Data Browser - F0101 [Address Book Master]",
"data": {
"gridData": {
"id": 55,
"fullGridId": "55",
"columns": {
"F0101_AN8": "Address Number",
"F0101_ALPH": "Alpha Name",
"F0101_AT1": "Sch Typ",
"F0101_UPMJ": "Date Updated"
"rowset": [
"F0101_AT1": "F",
"F0101_UPMJ": "20170904",
"F0101_AN8": 1,
"F0101_ALPH": "MyCompany"
"summary": {
"records": 1,
"moreRecords": true
"errors": [],
"warnings": []
"stackId": 6,
"stateId": 1,
"rid": "c001f27b3935e474",
"currentApp": "DATABROWSE_F0101",
"timeStamp": "2021-06-10:16.02.22",
"sysErrors": [],
"links": [
"rel": "next",
"href": "http://aisserver:port/jderest/v2/dataservice/next?stackId=6&stateId=1&rid=c001f27b3935e474&fullGridId=55&formOID=F0101&token=...&outputType=GRID_DATA&returnControlIDs=F0101.AN8|F0101.ALPH|F0101.AT1|F0101.UPMJ&nextPageTimeInterval=0"

If I try to run with this string that comes back in the return data
"content" : "20190102",
or E1 6 digit date
"content" : "25773480",
or E1 8 digit date
"content" : "119002",

It returns
"sysErrors": [
"TITLE": "System could not execute the query due to invalid condition in the current selected query.",

How do I use dates for UPMJ in an AIS query?

you need to use user's date format configured in P0092L app , if it's MDY (mm dd YYYY) and / is your date separator then try with

"condition" : [ {
"value" : [ {
"content": "01/02/2019",
"specialValueId" : "LITERAL"
} ],
"controlId" : "F0101.UPMJ",
"operator" : "GREATER"
} ]
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