Add directory in Work Link


Well Known Member
We have done a new setup on a V5R3 box. However the UBE's cannot be submitted over the server. We recieve a msg box - "Cannot submit UBE". We feel that this this problem is attributed to the misssing PrintQueue directory in B7333SYS Wrklnk (Work with object links) .
Does anyone know how to add a directory in WrkLnk -> B7333SYS.. Note this is B7333SYS under wrklnk (Work with Obj links) and not the B7333SYS library.
Check the logs - this error usually means, that the client cannot communicate with the server. Looks, like your services may not be running...
I tend to agree with Alex, it sounds like communication as it wouldn't attempt to access IFS or anything for that matter until the UBE actually began running, but to answer your question, you want to use the CRTDIR command, syntax CRTDIR DIR('/directoryname'), in your specific example, trying to create a directory under B7333SYS would be CRTDIR DIR('/B7333SYS/PRINTQUEUE')

Of course, you could fire up a session of ops nav, and add the directory from the graphical, Windows looking, 'sissy' interface, but then, what's the fun in that??!!??
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