Ability on a make to order line to systematically future date based on lead time at branch level


Ability on a make to order line to systematically future date based on lead time at branch level

The edit line logic, at the sales order line level, that searches for the lead time value needs to retrieve the lead time from the item branch category code F4102.PRP2 when a make to order line F4211.LNTY = M is entered in the sales order detail. Once the lead time is found in F4102.PRP2, the value will be added to the Requested date F4211.DRQJ and a new requested date will be calculated and stored in F4211.DRQJ. Can anybody pls help me with this? If anyone of you have implemented this solution, pls send me the ER, or any setup that you did?
Re: Ability on a make to order line to systematically future date based on lead time at branch level

You ca do it yourself Shaaz!
Just read how F4211 gets post-updated in the already shared experiences (read ARCHIVES).
Look for "Update Sale Order" or for P4210 ... AND tell us what you tried AND where it did not work.
Put some effort THEN ask for guidance, OK?
Re: Ability on a make to order line to systematically future date based on lead time at branch level

I've done something similar based on lead time in Item Branch

I just got the LTPU, added the days to today and passed that requested date (not a blank date) into the edit line

Works fine.
Make to order line to future date based on lead time at branch level

Hi Experts,

This is my first C assignment. I have req where we need to calculate Lead time based on Item branch, right now it has been written on Item Master. F4101 has only 1 index where as new req is on item branch which two indices. Pls advise in fixing this. I wrote the logic bt need some guidance if I'm doing it right? Pls help.

Original Logic

/* Move dates forward based on lead time (PRP2) in F4101 */

jdeStrcpy((JCHAR *)(dsD4201610.szSalesOrderEntryVersion),(const JCHAR *)(lpDS->szCMVersion));


NULL, lpBhvrCom,lpVoid,(LPVOID)&dsD4201610,


(JCHAR *)NULL,(int)0);

if (dsD4201610.cTHCMTODateLogic == _J('1'))


idReturnValue = I4200310_CalculateRequestedDate(lpBhvrCom, lpVoid, lpDS,




* Function: I4200310_CalculateRequestedDate

* Notes: Retrieve the record from F4101 for the given Item Number.


* Returns:


* Parameters: szIdentifier2ndItem - item number to use for fetch

* hRequestF4101 - valid request handle used to open F4101



ID I4200310_CalculateRequestedDate (LPBHVRCOM lpBhvrCom,LPVOID lpVoid,

LPDSD4200310F lpDS, LPDS4200310B lpds4200310B)



* Variable declarations





NID szF4101TableID = NID_F4101;

ID idF4101IndexID2 = ID_F4101_2ND_ITEM_NUMBER;

NID szColArrayF4101[3] = {NID_LITM, NID_PRP2};

JCHAR szTHC_Branch[13] = {0};

JCHAR szTHCItemNo [26] = {0};

JCHAR szTHCPurchasingReportCode2[4] = {0};

long lDaysToAdvance = 0;

long lDateDifference = 0;

MATH_NUMERIC mnNumberOfDaysPerWeek7 = {0};

MATH_NUMERIC mnDays = {0};

MATH_NUMERIC mnWeeks = {0};

JDEDATE jdTempDate = {0};

ID idReturnValue = ER_SUCCESS;


* Declare structures


/*F4101 dsF4101 = {0};*/ /* Item Master Table */

KEY2_F4101 dsF4101Key2 = {0}; /* Item Master Key */

DSDE0022 dsDE0022;


* Business Function structures


DS_D5542310_COLUMN_F4101 dsColArrayF4101 = {0};

DSD5542010A dsD5542010A = {0};

LPF42UI01 lpdsF42UI01 = lpds4200310B->lpdsF42UI01;

DSD0000580 ds0000580ConvertStringToMathNumeric = {0}; /* Convert String to math Numeric - B4000580 */


* Check for NULL pointers



* Initialize Behavior Routine


/* Initialize hUser */

idJDBReturn = JDB_InitBhvr((void *)lpBhvrCom, &hUser, (JCHAR *) NULL, JDEDB_COMMIT_AUTO);

if (idJDBReturn != JDEDB_PASSED)


jdeSetGBRError(lpBhvrCom, lpVoid, 0L, _J("078S"));

return ER_ERROR;



* Variable initializations




* Main Processing


/* Initialize Data Structure */

/*memset ((void *)(&dsF4101),(int)(_J('\0')), sizeof(F4101)); */

memset ((void *)(&dsF4101Key2),(int)(_J('\0')), sizeof(KEY2_F4101));

memset((void *)(&dsColArrayF4101), (int)(_J('\0')), sizeof(DS_D5542310_COLUMN_F4101));

memset((void *)(&dsDE0022),(int)(_J('\0')),sizeof(dsDE0022));

memset((void *)(&ds0000580ConvertStringToMathNumeric),


/* Retrieve correct item number */

if (IsStringBlank(lpDS->szBusinessUnit))


jdeStrcpy((JCHAR *)(szTHC_Branch),(const JCHAR *)(lpds4200310B->lpdsF42UI01->zhmcu));




jdeStrcpy((JCHAR *)(szTHC_Branch),(const JCHAR *)(lpDS->szBusinessUnit));


if (IsStringBlank(lpDS->szLineType))


jdeStrcpy((JCHAR *)(dsD5542010A.szItemNoUnknownFormat),(const JCHAR *)(lpDS->szItemNo));

jdeStrcpy((JCHAR *)(dsD5542010A.szCostCenter),(const JCHAR *)(szTHC_Branch));


idReturnValue = jdeCallObject(_J("THCVerifyItem"),

NULL, lpBhvrCom,lpVoid,(LPVOID)&dsD5542010A,


(JCHAR *)NULL,(int)0);

if (idReturnValue == ER_SUCCESS)


jdeStrcpy((JCHAR *)szTHCItemNo,(const JCHAR *)(dsD5542010A.szIdentifier2ndItem));



/* Open Item Master Table */

idJDBReturn = JDB_OpenTable(hUser, szF4101TableID, idF4101IndexID2,

szColArrayF4101, (ushort)(2),

(JCHAR *) NULL, &hRequestF4101);

if (idJDBReturn == JDEDB_FAILED) /* if Open Table failed */


memset((void *) (&dsDE0022), (int) ('\0'), sizeof(dsDE0022));

jdeStrcpy((JCHAR *)dsDE0022.szDescription, (const JCHAR *) _J("F4211"));

jdeSetGBRErrorSubText(lpBhvrCom, lpVoid, (ID) 0, _J("078D"), &dsDE0022);


return ER_ERROR;


else /* if Open Table Passed */ /* if(idJDBReturn == JDEDB_PASSED) */


/* Load the F4101 primary key */

jdeStrcpy ((JCHAR *)dsF4101Key2.imlitm, (const JCHAR *)szTHCItemNo);

/* Fetch the F4101 with only 1 field using the internal data structure */

idJDBReturn = JDB_FetchKeyed(hRequestF4101, (ID) 0, (void *)(&dsF4101Key2),

(short)(1), (void *)(&dsColArrayF4101),

(int) (FALSE));

if( idJDBReturn == JDEDB_PASSED ) /* if Fetch Success */


jdeStrcpy((JCHAR *)szTHCPurchasingReportCode2, dsColArrayF4101.imprp2);

/* Convert the PRP2 to MathNumeric */


(const JCHAR *)szTHCPurchasingReportCode2, DIM(ds0000580ConvertStringToMathNumeric.szInputString)-1);



lpBhvrCom, lpVoid,



(int) 0, (JCHAR *) NULL,

(JCHAR *) NULL, (int) 0);

MathCopy(&mnWeeks, &ds0000580ConvertStringToMathNumeric.mnOutputMathNumeric);


} /* Endif Open Table Passed */

if (MathZeroTest(&mnWeeks) != 0)


/*If Hdr requested date and Dtl requested date do not match, this means the requested date has been changed by the user */

if ((memcmp((void *)&lpdsF42UI01->zhdrqj, (void *)&lpDS->jdRequestedDate,sizeof(JDEDATE)) != 0))


/* Do Nothing */


else /* If Hdr requested date is equal to Dtl requested date....*/


/* If number of days to advance is greater than zero, advance requested date */

MathMultiply(&mnDays, &mnWeeks, &mnNumberOfDaysPerWeek7);

MathNumericToLong(&mnDays, &lDaysToAdvance);

AdvanceDate (&jdTempDate, &lpdsF42UI01->zhtrdj, 0, lDaysToAdvance);

/* If calculated date is greater than detail requested date - advance the requested date */

lDateDifference = DateDifference(&jdTempDate, &lpDS->jdRequestedDate);

if (lDateDifference < 0)


memcpy((void *)&lpDS->jdRequestedDate, (const void *)&jdTempDate, sizeof(JDEDATE));





* Function Clean Up


if (hUser != (HUSER) NULL)


JDB_FreeBhvr (hUser);


if (hRequestF4101 != (HREQUEST)NULL)




return (idReturnValue);


NEW Logic on F4102
jdeStrcpy((JCHAR *)(dsD4201610.szSalesOrderEntryVersion),(const JCHAR *)(lpDS->szCMVersion));
NULL, lpBhvrCom,lpVoid,(LPVOID)&dsD4201610,
(JCHAR *)NULL,(int)0);
if (dsD4201610.cTHCMTODateLogic == _J('1'))
idReturnValue = I4200310_CalculateRequestedDate(lpBhvrCom, lpVoid, lpDS,

* Function: I4200310_CalculateRequestedDate
* Notes: Retrieve the record from F4102 for the given Item Branch.
* Returns:
* Parameters: szIdentifier2ndItem - item number to use for fetch
szBranch - Branch to use for fetch
* hRequestF4102 - valid request handle used to open F4101

ID I4200310_CalculateRequestedDate (LPBHVRCOM lpBhvrCom,LPVOID lpVoid,
LPDSD4200310F lpDS, LPDS4200310B lpds4200310B)

* Variable declarations
NID szF4102TableID = NID_F4102;
ID idF4102IndexID2 = ID_F4102_2ND_ITEM_NUMBER;
ID idF4102IndexID2 = ID_F4102_Branch;
NID szColArrayF4102[4] = {NID_LITM, NID_MCU, NID_PRP2};

JCHAR szTHC_Branch[13] = {0};
JCHAR szTHCItemNo [26] = {0};
JCHAR szTHCPurchasingReportCode2[4] = {0};
long lDaysToAdvance = 0;
long lDateDifference = 0;
MATH_NUMERIC mnNumberOfDaysPerWeek7 = {0};
MATH_NUMERIC mnDays = {0};
MATH_NUMERIC mnWeeks = {0};
JDEDATE jdTempDate = {0};
ID idReturnValue = ER_SUCCESS;

* Declare structures
/*F4102 dsF4102 = {0};*/ /* Item Master Table */
KEY2_F4102 dsF4102Key2 = {0}; /* Item Master Key */
DSDE0022 dsDE0022;

* Business Function structures
DS_D5542310_COLUMN_F4101 dsColArrayF4101 = {0};
DSD5542010A dsD5542010A = {0};
LPF42UI01 lpdsF42UI01 = lpds4200310B->lpdsF42UI01;
DSD0000580 ds0000580ConvertStringToMathNumeric = {0}; /* Convert String to math Numeric - B4000580 */
* Check for NULL pointers

* Initialize Behavior Routine
/* Initialize hUser */
idJDBReturn = JDB_InitBhvr((void *)lpBhvrCom, &hUser, (JCHAR *) NULL, JDEDB_COMMIT_AUTO);

if (idJDBReturn != JDEDB_PASSED)
jdeSetGBRError(lpBhvrCom, lpVoid, 0L, _J("078S"));
return ER_ERROR;

* Variable initializations

* Main Processing
/* Initialize Data Structure */
/*memset ((void *)(&dsF4101),(int)(_J('\0')), sizeof(F4101)); */
memset ((void *)(&dsF4102Key2),(int)(_J('\0')), sizeof(KEY2_F4102));
memset((void *)(&dsColArrayF4102), (int)(_J('\0')), sizeof(DS_D5542310_COLUMN_F4102));
memset((void *)(&dsDE0022),(int)(_J('\0')),sizeof(dsDE0022));
memset((void *)(&ds0000580ConvertStringToMathNumeric),

/* Retrieve correct item number */
if (IsStringBlank(lpDS->szBusinessUnit))
jdeStrcpy((JCHAR *)(szTHC_Branch),(const JCHAR *)(lpds4200310B->lpdsF42UI01->zhmcu));
jdeStrcpy((JCHAR *)(szTHC_Branch),(const JCHAR *)(lpDS->szBusinessUnit));

if (IsStringBlank(lpDS->szLineType))
jdeStrcpy((JCHAR *)(dsD5542010A.szItemNoUnknownFormat),(const JCHAR *)(lpDS->szItemNo));
jdeStrcpy((JCHAR *)(dsD5542010A.szCostCenter),(const JCHAR *)(szTHC_Branch));

idReturnValue = jdeCallObject(_J("THCVerifyItem"),
NULL, lpBhvrCom,lpVoid,(LPVOID)&dsD5542010A,
(JCHAR *)NULL,(int)0);
if (idReturnValue == ER_SUCCESS)
jdeStrcpy((JCHAR *)szTHCItemNo,(const JCHAR *)(dsD5542010A.szIdentifier2ndItem));
jdeStrcpy((JCHAR *)szTHC_Branch,(const JCHAR *)(dsD5542010A.szBranch))

/* Open Item Branch Table */
idJDBReturn = JDB_OpenTable(hUser, szF4102TableID, idF4102IndexID2,
szColArrayF4102, (ushort)(2),
(JCHAR *) NULL, &hRequestF4102);

if (idJDBReturn == JDEDB_FAILED) /* if Open Table failed */
memset((void *) (&dsDE0022), (int) ('\0'), sizeof(dsDE0022));
jdeStrcpy((JCHAR *)dsDE0022.szDescription, (const JCHAR *) _J("F4211"));
jdeSetGBRErrorSubText(lpBhvrCom, lpVoid, (ID) 0, _J("078D"), &dsDE0022);
return ER_ERROR;
else /* if Open Table Passed */ /* if(idJDBReturn == JDEDB_PASSED) */
/* Load the F4102 primary key */
jdeStrcpy ((JCHAR *)dsF4101Key2.iblitm, (const JCHAR *)szTHCItemNo);
jdeStrcpy ((JCHAR *)dsF4101Key2.ibmcu, (const JCHAR *)szTHC_Branch);

/* Fetch the F4101 with only 1 field using the internal data structure */
idJDBReturn = JDB_FetchKeyed(hRequestF4102, (ID) 0, (void *)(&dsF4102Key2),
(short)(1), (void *)(&dsColArrayF4102),
(int) (FALSE));

if( idJDBReturn == JDEDB_PASSED ) /* if Fetch Success */
jdeStrcpy((JCHAR *)szTHCPurchasingReportCode2, dsColArrayF4102.ibprp2);

/* Convert the PRP2 to MathNumeric */
(const JCHAR *)szTHCPurchasingReportCode2, DIM(ds0000580ConvertStringToMathNumeric.szInputString)-1);

lpBhvrCom, lpVoid,
(int) 0, (JCHAR *) NULL,
(JCHAR *) NULL, (int) 0);

MathCopy(&mnWeeks, &ds0000580ConvertStringToMathNumeric.mnOutputMathNumeric);
} /* Endif Open Table Passed */

if (MathZeroTest(&mnWeeks) != 0)
/*If Hdr requested date and Dtl requested date do not match, this means the requested date has been changed by the user */
if ((memcmp((void *)&lpdsF42UI01->zhdrqj, (void *)&lpDS->jdRequestedDate,sizeof(JDEDATE)) != 0))
/* Do Nothing */
else /* If Hdr requested date is equal to Dtl requested date....*/
/* If number of days to advance is greater than zero, advance requested date */

MathMultiply(&mnDays, &mnWeeks, &mnNumberOfDaysPerWeek7);

MathNumericToLong(&mnDays, &lDaysToAdvance);
AdvanceDate (&jdTempDate, &lpdsF42UI01->zhtrdj, 0, lDaysToAdvance);

/* If calculated date is greater than detail requested date - advance the requested date */
lDateDifference = DateDifference(&jdTempDate, &lpDS->jdRequestedDate);
if (lDateDifference < 0)
memcpy((void *)&lpDS->jdRequestedDate, (const void *)&jdTempDate, sizeof(JDEDATE));

* Function Clean Up
if (hUser != (HUSER) NULL)
JDB_FreeBhvr (hUser);

if (hRequestF4102 != (HREQUEST)NULL)

return (idReturnValue);

/* ===================================================== */
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