8.12 output not merging through CreateForm


Active Member
We are currently testing 8.12 / TR8.96_H1.

We have found the pdf output does not merge in CreateForm.
The necessary jde.ini entries have been made on the App Server as follows:
;Settings required for Create!Form below

Also, the cpkrnl.dll exists in the app server bin32 directory.

The problem seems specific to the output generated because viewing a pdf in our production ERP8 system works fine using the same Acrobat Reader and C!F plugin install.

We have an open call logged with CreateForm but don't seem to be getting anywhere.

Has anyone been able successfully merge pdf output from 8.12 ????
Hi camo,

I had this issue with 8.12 as well. As far as I could tell, cpkrnl.dll wasn't work too well. Create!form will tell you to set up another printer definition language with nothing but "-s POSTSCRIPT_PRINTER" as the parameter string (notice that no library or function exists in the string so cpkrnl.dll will not be used). That didn't work for me either.

Your problem should be that the output isn't even being sent to the Create!form printer to be merged if it is like the problem we were having.

If you're sure that the job is getting to the CF printer and just isn't merging properly then it may be because your version of Create!form doesn't support compressed PDFs. To turn off PDF compression add the following line to the [UBE] section in the enterprise server jde.ini file:

To finish, I have heard that people are having success with Create!form and 8.12, but we currently have a workaround in place. We have a UDC set up with a list of reports/versions that should be sent to the CF printer, and a table trigger on F986110 to send those print jobs via an OS level script when one of those reports is completed.

ERP8, E1 8.12 Tools 8.96
IntelNT / Oracle

Create!Form is not smart enough to read PDF files that have internal compression, which is enabled in 8.96 base release. Too bad, too, because even without the UBEPrintData items, the files would have been 10 times smaller. With that, they are taking as much as 20 times more disk space on your Enterprise Server per PDF -- whether you send it to Create!Form or not.
Thankyou both for your resposes.

The UBEPDFCompression=0 setting resolved the issue.

I also found Oracle solutions 200997650, 200803360, and 200993709 that talk about the various UBE settings in the jde.ini
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