
  1. E9.2 Decimal Separator Issue - Language Level

    Hello All, I have an issue on the decimal separators. We have the JDE users with 'English' language having decimal separator as dot(.) while the 'German' language users have the decimal separator as comma (,). The German users too need the separator to be shown as a dot(.) instead of a comma. I...
  2. Issue using CBSFN "CalcDiscNoTax" B0000283

    I encountered some strange behavior in this standard Cbsfn. I'm using JDE 9.2. There is a line of code which says "iDec = Decimals(&lpDS->mnAmountGross);" This is used to know the Decimal place of the variable. When i debug this BSFN i see that when ever this BSFN is called from F0411Editline...
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