E9.2 Define Inputs in Associate Orchestrations



Hello, good day.

I have a problem when trying to invoke an orchestration through a button added to a program using the form extension. The orchestration receives 2 parameters as input, so in the input parameter definition configuration, I placed one statically for testing purposes, which refers to an account ID, and the other I try to obtain from a field in the form, which refers to a date. When I click the button, the orchestration executes and runs a report. However, in the report execution detail, I can see that it never takes the date that was mapped as an input parameter. Could someone help me identify why it's not getting the date that was mapped from a field in the program?


  • FormExtension.png
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Can you confirm if the orchestration works when you run it from Orchestrator Studio? If it does, then can you try entering a default GL Date and see if it works that way?
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