E9.2 how to authenticate user in jde ,using REST api


I am developing a mobile app, to let our customer log in and view sales record. I am very new to jde, only few weeks, I tried using /tokenrequest provided by AIS. It works if the user is an AIS user, but give authorization error for normal business users(which is understandable). Now my question is how I can authenticate a a normal business user.
Users will type id/password in mobile screen, mobile will call custom build rest api, after that what I can do to authenticate that id/password against JDE.
Yes. You can open a JDE session using /jderest/orchestrator/jde-login api.

You can validate that the token is still good using /jderest/orchestrator/jde-validate-session

Don't forget to log them out. CNCs don't like it when user sessions are left open ;). /jderest/orchestrator/jde-logout
Here is my finding so far;

1. scenario 1: I have access to core jde business application and also to orchestrator, and when i pass my credential to the /jde-login it works
2. scenario 2:If i pass credential of a business user who does not have access to orchestrator it gives following error in response
"message": "Authorization Failure: An unknown JAS sign in error occurred. Please contact the System Administrator.",
"exception": "E1LoginException",
"timeStamp": "2024-04-09T12:49:44.853-0500"

3. scenario 3:If i pass wrong credential of that same business user. it gives following error in response
"message": "Authorization Failure: Incorrect User ID or Password.",
"exception": "E1LoginException",
"timeStamp": "2024-04-09T12:50:10.878-0500"

Scenario 1 and 3 makes sense, but why scenario to is throwing error not sure, any help will be appreciated.
Can you ask your CNC to check the error logs for more information? Also, can you also share the json you are posting to the api to get the token (minus the actual credentials, of course)?
Hi @saumik.gupta,

As say @Kevin Long if you could check AIS Log in Server Manager for more details (and send it to us here), or you can report to CNC, better... So I don't understand as business users hasn't access to AIS, is the same path and environment? (when you send a json request is the same environment?) could you upload json request? (except credentials of course).

Can you ask your CNC to check the error logs for more information? Also, can you also share the json you are posting to the api to get the token (minus the actual credentials, of course)?
Thank you for your reply, it was my mistake there are two different environments.
Hi @saumik.gupta,

As say @Kevin Long if you could check AIS Log in Server Manager for more details (and send it to us here), or you can report to CNC, better... So I don't understand as business users hasn't access to AIS, is the same path and environment? (when you send a json request is the same environment?) could you upload json request? (except credentials of course).

Thank you for your reply, it was my mistake there are two different environments.
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