UBE failed with rcode = 1


Hallo, I’m new in OneWorld CNC, so same my questions may be silly. Bat I have problem. I have just installed OneWorld for 1’st time. It is on SUN Solaris 8 and Oracle database. Deploy server is Win 2000. In installation is Enterprise server and DATA sever. On Data server are all databases.
I have problem whit UBE:
1) when I submit type of report like from address book revision WHO is WHO to ES,the report is all right, bat at the end the *.PDF is in *\PrintQueue directory and does not list in Work Whit Servers form\Server Queue.
2) when I want for example - in Standard Voucher Entry post invoice by batch to ES, the invoice permanently have status IN USE, jde.log on workstation say:
Report was submitted to server

Jde.log on ES say:

2039 Tue Mar 26 13:12:24 2002 k2subsys.c723
SS: Deleting all the job records for job number 77

2039 Tue Mar 26 13:12:24 2002 k2subsys.c783
UBE0000057 - SS:No Records Found for jobNumber 77

2039 Tue Mar 26 13:12:24 2002 jdequeue.c1024
Job of type UBE failed with rcode = 1

And again at the end the *_PDF.JDE.LOG and PDF.JDEDEBUG.LOG are in *\PrintQueue directory and does not list in Work Whit Servers form\Server Queue.

Any ideas?
1) Work With Server Jobs - are you on a Citrix Client? If yes there is an OCM Mapping problem with one of the WSJ Bsfn not being mapped correctly, known issue - check knowledge garden or past postings.

2)UBE Failed, two possible causes:

A) JDEQUE Service not running on ES - check your installation instructions.

B) UBE not deployed to ES. Need to create a Server Package and deploy the code.

OW733.3 Xe SP 14.2
Enterprise Server - Intel NT + Oracle 8.0.6
Client - Citrix TSE + 4 NT PC's for development
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