E9.1 Specific Error or Warning Message Capture


Well Known Member
Hi All,

If an error or warning is thrown on a form, is it possible to capture what the specific error or warning was? I know there are counts, but they count ALL and are not specific.

Thank you,
I think you need to provide more details or re-word you question, I don't understand what you are asking.
Sorry for the delay. So, if I received a message like what is shown, other than getting an error/warning count, can I determine the error being display by Error Description or Error ID? If there was more than 1 warning message, is it possible to isolate Error ID "56SOETMP" as one of the errors being displayed.

Thank you,

Unless I am misunderstanding again, I feel like your screen shot answers your question. You are displaying the technical details for the error/warning including the error ID, and in this case the Event and Line Number in ER code that is throwing the error (if this was a BSFN you would get the source file and line number). You are seeing the error/warning message. By contrast, the default view when expended will show any additional glossary text complete with text substitutions. The screen shot you have displayed is the exact screen shot I tell our BAs to capture from end users when we need to do a deeper investigation into an error/warning.

As too the count, which is maybe what you are asking about, as in "if this same error ID is thrown multiple times what happens?" In general if the same error ID is thrown multiple times you will see it multiple times IF it is thrown on different controls and/or grid cells. If the error is thrown multiple times on the same control/grid cell or is not thrown any any control/grid cell then I think (I could be wrong) but I think only one is displayed to the user (either first or last instance thrown).
Hi Frank, are you looking to programmatically search a given screen that is erroring for a specific error code? Doing this with orchestrator form request, or screen scraper, or something?
Yes, programmatically, if the form displayed had multiple warnings (different warnings) can I programmatically look for a specific error ID? Haven't really use orchestrator....
I think we need to narrow down what toolset you're using-- if using a screen scraper you could dig thru the HTML code that gets served up to your webclient and search on the specific error code. If you're trying to get to the errors within FDA then it's most likely a matter of finding the ER code that is firing off the specific error and hooking into that.

What tool are you trying to capture the error in?
If in in APPL/UBE/BSFN and the error is thrown by a BSFN you would need to write a wrapper C BSFN and then using JDE C API's to iterate through the list and find the error you are looking for. There are a couple of APIs for doing this. The newer probably preferred APIs and the ones I have used are:

jdeListGetData / jdeGetGlossaryText  (See IB3202570_GetMessageText)
PSERVER_ERROR_LIST = jdeListGetData(pList);  jdeListGetNext(pList);

This is a copy/paste right from my notes to help you find the "family" of APIs that you need. There is also the following older APIs:

Hi All,

I have tried several approaches mentioned in this thread but am having issues working through what I need to accomplish. I will outline my process and see if anyone has any idea or guidance on how I can achieve this.

P4210 :
1. Enter an order "Sales Order Detail Revision".
2. Rep enters a 10-line order where each line validates the price against a Sales Order Template that contains special pricing for this customer
2. Lines 3 and 7 the rep changes the price causing a price discrepancy with the template
3. Lines 3 and 7 throw 2 warnings the order will be placed on hold
4. Now let's say there is some other warning for some unrelated issue, so in all Get Error Count gives me a count of 3 warnings
5. Correct the 2 discrepancy warnings, but I still have the unrelated warning - Get Error Count = 1, but this error will not cause a hold

Also, user places the order - Order acceptance screen displays, and they decide to revise the order by adding several new items that may or may not cause a price discrepancy warning.

When all is complete and the user finally is ready to place the order, how can I find out if the warnings being displayed are (price discrepancy) and not something unrelated?

That is my dilemma....

Any and all suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.

Thanks again,
Hey All,

I think I may have found a workaround to my issue\process. It would still be nice to know what error\warnings are displayed on the Form not thrown by a NER or BSFN but triggered from within event rules.

Thanks again,
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