Server Package Build Timeouts

Mark Gollehon


We are experiencing an issue building full production packages for our PD812 environment on our iseries (syste i/570). The server build eventually times-out during the DLL transfer to the iseries, and then proceeds to build fine on our 2 Windows 2003 batch servers, and the timeout occurs randomly on any of the DLLs. For example, during the build attempt below, the timeout occurred during the CWIM dll transfer to the iseries. During a previous attempt, the build timed-out during the CSALES transfer.

I haven't located any AS400 job logs that were helpful, but I located the kernel error shown below.

I have tried a couple of different build machines.


Section of ServerPkgBuild.log
Fri May 28 19:01:07 - Transferring business functions for DLL CTOOL to server.

Fri May 28 19:01:09 - Transferring business functions for DLL CTRAN to server.

Fri May 28 19:01:31 - Transferring business functions for DLL CTRANS to server.

Fri May 28 19:01:36 - Transferring business functions for DLL CWARE to server.

Fri May 28 19:02:02 - Transferring business functions for DLL CWIM to server.

Sun May 30 01:02:37 - spkgclnt.c:742 PKGCLT0032 ERROR: Failed to receive message. Error Timeout.

Sun May 30 01:02:38 - spkgclnt.c:1471 PKGCLT0054 ERROR: Failed to transfer \\WBF-DEPLOY1\E812\PD812\package\PD812FL\source\b31b7309.c to the server.

Sun May 30 01:02:38 - spkgclnt.c:633 PKGCLT0024 ERROR: JDENET_CreateAssocMsg failed. Error Connection closed.

JDENET_N Kernel Log:

300/2 MAIN_THREAD Thu Jun 10 11:29:45.808216 netrcv.c1069
Error on call to fopen with file /OneWorld/Packages/PD812FN/include/b90ca302.h, errno-3474, cannot save file packet for msg 22320

The full build process worked fine in March, and nothing has changed that we are aware of.

Jd Edwards 8.12 TR 8.96 G1
System i/570 iseries, V5R4 (Enterprise Server)
Deployment Server Windows - 2003 Server
Build Machine Windows - 2003 Server

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