E9.2 Issue with Run Orchestrator from Form Extension



Active Member
Hi, i have a problem when i wanna run a orchestration from Form Extension...
the input param is obtained from a value in grid from selected row...
when i execute this orchestration, this run ends correctly, but if execute another user the orchestration show this error

We have made a log and the input parameter is being taken correctly, it is even a String...

What could be happening in these executions? any security issues?
So it works when you run it yourself, but when another user tries to run it, it doesn't work?
Hola Federico, es posible que debas compartir todos los objetos involucrados para que otras personas puedan hacer la ejecución, por medio de la aplicación P98220U debes compartir el orchestrator y el form extension. El error sugiere que el documento no lo están pasando y como es un valor requerido muestra ese error, fijate que la persona que esta realizando la prueba diligencie correctamente el número de documento
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