XML Interoperability UBE Call



Hi All,
Has someone call an UBE via XML Interoperability ever? I more familiarized with call Methods, but I read that an UBE could be consumed via XML Interoperability and now I want to test it.

Thanks for any help,
Yep, there's no dramas using XML Interop to execute the UBEs. Under the covers that's how our solution executes them.

Edit: I will put a disclaimer on this that if you're not on 8.98 tools or later then I'd stay away from it as our experiences on the older tools have been very poor. A lot of bugs in the older tools.
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Hi we are using perfectly XML Interop to call UBE from Oracle Data Integrator.
This is reliable
Any guides or tips on how to do this?

As people before me have used BSSVs then a subsystem calling a UBE to launch the UBE from an external driver.
Example XmlInterop call to LaunchBatchApplication

Below is a simple example of the Xml that would be used to submit the Print Pick Slip UBE (R42520) Version ZJDE0001 to the DV910 environment:

<jdeRequest pwd="password" type="callmethod" user="User" session="" environment="DV910" sessionidle="">
<callMethod app="DemoUBECall" name="LaunchBatchApplication" runOnError="yes" returnNullData="no">
<param name="szReport">R42520</param>
<param name="szVersionJDE">ZJDE0001</param>
<param name="cSynch">0</param>
<param name="cPrintPreview">0</param>
<param name="szDataSourceOverride" />
<param name="mnServerJobNumber">0</param>
<param name="cReturn" />
<param name="cJDELogging" />
<param name="cTracing" />
<param name="cUBELoggingLevel" />
<param name="szJobQueue">QBATCH</param>
Awesome!!! Thanks guys

Is the call synchronous or asynchronous?
Also does anyone know if this kind of approach can also be used for calling BSFNs?
The request that rcoxon put up is a BSFN call to execute the report so yes, you can call pretty much any BSFN or NER using this same format. The alternative method is to use the XML that I linked to in the Oracle documentation. This takes a bit more work but using this you can specify all of the run time values that you want including processing options, data selection, batch queue etc etc. If you want to see what is possible with it have a look at about 8 minutes into this video which shows a front end for configuring an XML driven report submission - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeXpnM6Opf0

As the report is being run on the enterprise server it will always be submitted asynchronously.
What all we need to execute this XML interop? I am new to this and want to understand what are the system requirements here?
I see in INI XML dedicated Kernel for the same.

Awesome!!! Thanks guys

Is the call synchronous or asynchronous?
Also does anyone know if this kind of approach can also be used for calling BSFNs?
Yes you can, try searching for tool named jdeXMLBSFN.exe on Google, you'll have the XML request model for your BSFN
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