Time Zone treatment - E1 9.0



VIP Member
Does someone have a procedure for treatment and operation between Eastern time zone and AsiaPac time zone for order processing and other transactions?

E1 9.0, 8.98.3 toolset
I have to say, that for most customers, adhering to a specific single timezone works well.

I recently had a customer that had one branch in the Philippines, and several other branches on the west coast US - and their timezone was set to EST. The issue was that the Philippines were placing orders and getting the wrong dates on their invoices.

My suggestion was to switch the timezone to UTC (Universal Time) or even GMT - that way, the Philippines would start their day at exactly midnight GMT - and the West Coast USA would finish their day just before midnight GMT on the same day.

Going between EST and Asia Pacific - I'm sure theres a timezone in the middle that does the same thing.

Its the easiest solution for a single instance. Otherwise, trying to come up with multiple timezones can cause havoc. There are whitepapers - but every time I've heard of implementations of the timezone solutions it seems to always cause issues somewhere. I'm sure others might have a view on this - but I try and keep timezone support as simple as possible...
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