Multiple OD orders created by buyer number from single SD


Active Member
Hi forum members,

We are using JDE 8.11 SP1 on iSeries for many years and are live with SD/OD Direct Ship Orders functionality for a while. I know that OD order created from SD uses the default supplier number from Item Branch setup. And if a given customer PO has items coming from multiple suppliers, a single SD will create multiple ODs - one for each supplier. However, I was wondering if there are any other settings available to control how ODs are generated. We have a business need to split the SD order into multiple ODs based on a combination of supplier and buyer for the items.

Are there any other parameters that can be used to configure the system to generate OD orders any differently than supplier number alone?

If there is none, did you address such a need anytime and if so, how?

Please let me know your thoughts.

Prathibha Hanumali
Don't think there is a way to do by buyer number. There is a process option on P43060 (Gen PO from Requisition) that gives consolidation options like 'no consolidation; consolidate by supplier, ex rate, item, UOM, date; and another option to do those plus unit cost.

Maybe you could enter the SD in two steps: First step is enter items for buyer #1 and save SD entry (creates ODs for that buyer); then enter items - ON SAME SD ORDER - for buyer #2 (creates new ODs that will be attached to original SD).
Thanks Mike for your response. Although splitting SD orders by buyer is a solution, it requires manual intervention and might affect customer since we maintain a one-to-one relation with their POs. We were looking for an automated solution that does not require any additional steps in SD entry.

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