E9.0 List of active users


Hi everyone,

I'm looking for a JDE table with the information of "last connexion" to JDE.
Is this information available in a JDE table ?
I need it to define all the active users , meaning all users with a recent connexion to JDE.
Thanks a lot
I had the same issue as I wanted a view of the current folks logged in to a web server (and I do not have Server Manager access). I ended up setting up an advanced query on P98OWSEC ZJDE0001 W98OWSECC where Even Type (QBE) = 01, Event Date (QBE) = Today, Role or Object (QBE) starts with JAS, Machine (QBE) contains WB, Time Signed Off (QBE) = 0. [Note that all our web servers contain 'WB' in their Machine name, which may/may not work for your installation--modify accordingly].

Any other thoughts/suggestions out there? I am always looking for a better/faster/easier way to get to this information.
You can also Query F9312 where event type='01' (login) but it is not always correct.
What TR are you on?
Object Usage tracking should help you see who's doing what
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