Exporting Version Data Selection for Comparison


Legendary Poster

In 9.x, we have the BSFN B01RS056 - which allows us to export a version's Data Selection. It has it limitations, mostly in parameter sizing and abandoned logic (limiting the DS String to 95 characters does not catch those 300 MCUs in the "list"). The function appears to export the version to XML, then cache the Data Selection - allowing you to fetch back the DS from the cache. It works. Copying the function and extending the lengths of the structures works, too...

Because the function uses the XRCS (Xerces) api's - I don't believe that the same can be replicated into XE (I am making an assumption...).

Basically, the function exports the spec to XML, reads the XML Data Selection into Cache - then allows you to fetch the DS Rows from Cache in a legible format. In my exercise, I read each row of data selection and concatenated into a longer string - creating a single Data Selection string for each Version. This 'export' can be run in each environment - then Beyond Compare can be used to validate the similarities / differences per version (very quickly)....

That said....:

- is there a good way to compare Version Data Selection between XE and Upgraded Environments?
- what, if any, tricks have you guys found to validate Version Data Selection during a significant upgrade.


Hi Dan,

You might try our Object Browser. You can export the data selection to Excel XML files and compare those.

Hi Dan,

You might try our Object Browser. You can export the data selection to Excel XML files and compare those.


First - let me share that Object Browser is the MOST INCREDIBLE third party tool out there. During my presentation at collaborate, we WILL be using OB as the example of what Oracle Doesn't Know We Do!... It is AMAZING.

I did go the route to export the Version Specs to XML. First, I exported one environment to VS_DV, then the second to VS_PY. It's easy to identify which XML files are different, but the fact that they are exported as XML makes it difficult to review the differences.

** Does the XE Export look the same as the 9.X Export? I haven't tried XE...

Looking for simplicity: UBE | Version | # DS Lines | Data Selection

- Craig, Come to Collaborate - and get a standing ovation!

First - let me share that Object Browser is the MOST INCREDIBLE third party tool out there. During my presentation at collaborate, we WILL be using OB as the example of what Oracle Doesn't Know We Do!... It is AMAZING.

I wouldn't be surprised if all the Oracle internal JDE developers also use this tool.
Thanks Dan. Yes, the XE export is the exact same format. I can work toward offering a CSV or text format of the data selection. Should be pretty simple.
Ditto that

I use object browse for this purpose too. Very helpful tool
Thanks Dan. Yes, the XE export is the exact same format. I can work toward offering a CSV or text format of the data selection. Should be pretty simple.


Providing a simplified export of each version's data selection - would be RIGHTEOUS. When you want a Beta Tester - Holler.

And, since someone's gonna ask (let it be me?) - how hard would it be to do a simplified export of Processing Options.

And, finally and most importantly! Some day, when you update the Object Browser and/or any of you free tools - ADD A BLASTED 'DONATION' BUTTON. The amount of work and efforts you have placed in the tools needs to be recovered! If I gave a penny for every time I opened the tool - your Annual Starbucks Account would be solved (unless you coffee like my bride)...

Should I make the requests on the 3rd Party Tools section here on the list?

Thanks, again...

And Brian... Every time I work with a former JDE Developer, and they see the tool for the first time - they oogle and whine... "why didn't we have something like this when I worked for JDE"....

And Brian... Every time I work with a former JDE Developer, and they see the tool for the first time - they oogle and whine... "why didn't we have something like this when I worked for JDE"....

LOL. Probably like me when Scott Beebe showed me this.
If you ever have to work on something like P4210 you will save countless man years.
latest tools release has something similar, but it only work for BSFN

UPDATE: also works for variable assignments.

Doesn't work for table io


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Dan, posting a request in the 3rd party tools forum is a good idea. I'll reply with questions or info about when it's done.

We use OW Info by Trevor Weaver for extracting Data, Data Selection or Processing Option values - you can export to HTML (not Data) or CSV, plus there is other functionality as well. He also provided a batch mode for us which works great when we want to compare Processing Options or Data (think UDCs especially) across all of our production environments (we have almost 30!) which exports to CSV - this is nice because we just kick it off and let it do its thing.

This isn't to take anything away from Object Browser, as we use that as well.
I updated the Object Browser to include TXT and CSV output when exporting data selection and processing options for object versions.

1. When viewing a UBE or APP, right click in the Form/Section tree and select Export DS or PO. The next dialog lists all the versions. Select which ones you want and choose the format from the drop down in the top right (Excel, TXT or CSV)

2. From the batch export dialog, choose the export file type in the drop down at the bottom in the consolidated exports section.

3. From the command line use -Xy for Processing Options where y = 1 for Excel, 2 = CSV, 3 = TXT
From the command line use -Zy for Data Selection where y = 1 for Excel, 2 = CSV, 3 = TXT


WOW - You do fine work. Just saw that you had made the changes! This will make comparing so much easier.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong. When running in Batch; If I only want to export only Data Selection, and I Un-Check the Export ER and Un-Check the Export Properties, I get a blank text file for each version. Ideally, I'd like an option to export only the DS List. I can delete all the non filename_DS.XXX easy enough, though.


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