A9.4 Create new Printer File on World


I am creating a new User Defined Pgm, P55XXXXXXX, want to create NEW Printer File R55XXXXXXX,
when I run the Version for the Program J55XXXXXXX 'P55XXXXXXXXX' 'VERSXXXX' new printer file not recognized.

What File or Table do I need to add this NEW Printer File R55XXXXXXXX?
How much experience do you have with JDE ? I'm guessing you're a newbie...

The Printer file is a system object which you must create separately from the program object. It requires that you first create DDS (Data Description Specifications) for the printer file, then use the CRTPRTF command to create the printer file object which is referenced in the RPG program.

Use option 2 on menu G92 (or fast path option SVR while on the JDE menu) to review some of the JDE-created programs and their corresponding printer files:
for example, the pick slip print program P42520 has a printer file named R42520, so you could inquire on R42520.

Oracle has extensive user documentation about this on their web site.
Im looking for the table that has all Printer files listed for the overrides in the J pgms.
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