E9.2 Clear Form Level Error FDA


I am not able to clear form level error when I pressed find button on find/ browse form. Any tip ?
I assume you have tried some of the ER system functions to clear errors? There have been more comprehensive posts on this subject in the past so you might search and see what you can find. I can never remember all the "rules" or techniques to handle this off the top of my head. The most important thing is to, if possible, make sure the error is thrown or bound to a control on your form controls or grid cell(s). If you do that it makes it a lot easer to handle/clear, etc. the errors.
Form level error is coming from Internal business function which is not bound to any control.
Yeah, that's a tough one.

I think in the past I have even gone so far as to mod pristine functions to throw an error on one of it's DS params instead of nothing. You can also write a wrapper function around the function and map the error to a param (and by extension an APPL control) - I have done stuff like that as well to try and resolve this issue. For the wrapper function route, I can't off hand remember if a simple CALLMAP will work by mapping (ID)0 to some DS param as in:

Wrapper C BSFN code:
CALLMAP cm[] = 
    {IDERRmnParamYouWantToThrowErrorOn1, 0},
    {IDERRmnMappedParam2, IDERRmnMappedParam2},
    {IDERRmnMappedParam3, IDERRmnMappedParam3},
jdeCallObject(_J("TargetFunction"), (LPFNBHVR)NULL, lpBhvrCom, lpVoid, lpDS, cm, DIM(cm), (JCHAR *)NULL, (JCHAR *)NULL, 0);

or if you have to do something more elaborate like capture all the errors in the error list after calling TargetFunction, clear then re-throw with the errors mapped to params using error handling C APIs.
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