Integrating software to get Item master and BOM data


I need to request some item master information and BOM data for use in my software.
I have found some business services and API docs but do not have access to a JDE instance for testing.
Is there a "sample" version or something I can use to integrate/develop with?
I have gotten to this point. Can someone please review and let me know if this will get me the description for my specified part number?
using System;
using JDE.BusinessServices;
using JDE.Utility;
using JDE.Log;

namespace YourNamespace
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Set up the connection to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system
JdeConnection jdeConn = new JdeConnection("yourEnterpriseServerName", "yourEnterpriseOneEnvironment", "yourUsername", "yourPassword");

// Create a new instance of the BOM Business Service
BOMService bomService = new BOMService(jdeConn);

// Set the inputs to retrieve an item description by item number
BOMInputItem[] inputs = new BOMInputItem[1];
inputs[0] = new BOMInputItem();
inputs[0].ItemNumber = "yourItemNumber";

// Retrieve the BOM data from the EnterpriseOne system
BOMOutputItem[] output = bomService.getBOMDescription(inputs);

// Output the item description to the console
catch (Exception ex)
// Handle any errors that occur during the API call
@Patrickjk I saw your posts in developer threads where you rewrote a query. Hoping you can provide some guidance on something much much simpler :)
I need to request some item master information and BOM data for use in my software.
I have found some business services and API docs but do not have access to a JDE instance for testing.
Is there a "sample" version or something I can use to integrate/develop with?
Hi Kyle,

Try this:,P50_COURSE_ID:6152,395

I'm not terribly technical, but I've been able to spin up a demo environment twice now in my past. The problem with this is that it will deactivate after a period of time unless you start paying a monthly fee. In your case it might be worth it to make sure your instance stays up.

Good luck!
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