E9.2 Connector Pathing variable?



Reputable Poster
Hi Friends,

I'm doing a connector to upload file to Sharepoint. It's a PUT request, in the old release we created a Groovy script to upload file because in old orchestrator version didn't implement file in a PUT request. Currently, we have tools release 23 ( and as a new enhancements it's possible add file to PUT request, so I'm training to improve the process but Sharepoint REST API to upload has a filename in the path, so I don't know how can mapping the file:

The request can't get variable:
Get hardcode text.

A good request should be https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/si...xxxDrivesIdxxxxxxxxxx/root:/test.pdf:/content

There are any way to map variable to pathing? or is always fixed in pathing? Or We used the old solution (by groovy).

Best regards,


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Sorry friend's, it's not problem because I have a request with pathing variable and works fine, so the request not show the final url request.

So the problem would be the file, header u other. I'm working in it.
I can tell you with certainty that tossing vars into the api path works fine. Make sure you're populating the vars via orch component mapping. You should see the path properly being converted upon the call.

Edit: I see that our messages crossed paths! Thanks for the follow up
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I can tell you with certainty that tossing vars into the api path works fine. Make sure you're populating the vars via orch component mapping. You should see the path properly being converted upon the call.

Edit: I see that our messages crossed paths! Thanks for the follow up
Yeah, api path variables works fine. The problem is Sharepoint or the call, If I'm doing a request with postman works fine when upload file and sharepoint return 201 status, but when I'm doing the request with orchestrator sharepoint return error 400 invalid request but file is uploaded! And file in sharepoint it's right, content and visualitation! So, I think the issue could be orquestator request that internally add to header or body something that sharepoint doesn't like. So, I'm going to continue with my groovy script to upload sharepoint files.

Best regards.