
  1. E9.2 How to set add limit to only one row in Headerless Detail (or more)

    Hi guys, this is more about a tutorial than a question. I'm based in a recent problem I had and this discussion: ("Don\'t Display a blank row in Headerless") 1) This is for you who wants a Headerless...
  2. fbrammer

    E9.0 How to update/reconfigure Server Manager when DOMAIN_HOME is moved?

    We moved a Domain Home (user_projects/domain/E1_APPS). All that is reconfigured and working, but Server Manager is still looking in the old location. Where do we update Server Manager with the new location? Thanks,
  3. E9.2 Cached JS files causing issues each Tools Update

    Every time we do a tools update, we have support issues because the older JS files are still cached on the user's browser. Now we tell them to clear their browser cache but I feel we shouldn't have to do this. Currently it seems all JS files are being set with a cache-control header of about a...
  4. Looking for good overview document on Tools 9.2.3

    I am looking for a good document that summarizes the features and benefits of the new Tools 9.2.3. I have read through the Oracle documents, but I am looking for a summary that I can present to my management and get them to sign off on it. Thanks.
  5. JDE E1 9.0 Number of Concurrent Users

    Is there any tool in JDE E1 9.0 (Tools 9.1) running on IBM i, that looks at/shows user activity history, such as determining the peak number of concurrent users in a day?
  6. Form Interconnect problem withTools release

    We installed tools release in our test system. We have custom applications that performs a Form Interconnect to a Search and Select application from the Dialog is Init event. The called application does not execute. It also appears to happen from the Post Dialog Init event. Has...