Deployment hanging


VIP Member
Hello there

I have noticed first time in years that when i try to deploy object, it was hanging on and not doing anything for 45 minutes. Build worked fine but only the deployment of the Update package, it usually takes 5 minutes. Log says the following below, It worked after couple of attempt to deploy but just wondering.
Any idea?

Fri Jan 31 19:39:25 - Initialize detail structure and working folders on server.
Fri Jan 31 19:39:28 - Initializing internal structures for server EnterprisePD.
Fri Jan 31 19:39:28 - Message received from server.
Fri Jan 31 19:39:28 - Server initialized.
Fri Jan 31 19:39:28 - Detail server structure initialized.
Fri Jan 31 19:39:28 -
Fri Jan 31 19:39:28 - Setting up server EnterprisePD for Normal Package Deploy.
Fri Jan 31 19:39:28 - Sending lock message to server.

Did you have any UBEs running? These will prevent a build from deploying.
You are correct,
We have schedule jobs to run on Thursday night and somehow they Launch on Friday night. Dont know why.
But yes these are Finance integrity jobs and take long time to finish.

Thanks alot!