R03B5001 statement print - RDA changing report fields?


I need to change the default A/R Statement Print R03B5001 to use different fields in the A/R Statement Detail section than are currently defined to it. The report "R03B5001"is based on BSVW --V03B21G - A/R Statement Join Detail (Table names -F03B21 and F03B20).

For example the report uses DOC (alias) for invoice number from the A/R Notification History Detail table but I need the RPVINV field instead which is our internal invoice number which is on the F03B11 table. Also, the report uses DL01 for Document Type (alias DCT) but I need the RPURRF field instead which is also on the F03B11 table.

So there is no relationship between table F03B11 & F03B21 and F03B20. Can I do a Table IO to get the required info from F03B11?

In OMW under Report Design Aid how do/can I go about this if at all?