Identify Copied object



Well Known Member
Hi All,

Can anyone tell me how to identify report or application R55* , P55* is copied from standard?. Which table and column has the information.
Yep it can be done

F98210 where LHOMWAC = 06 (copy)
F98210 and F98211 are linked by field LHLOGKEY and LDLOGKEY

Goto F98211 and type in your R55* in LDOMWLDATA
Get the LOGKEY and use that to select in F98210 where LHOMWAC = 06.
LHOMWOBJID is the base object it came from

F9860 is the OMW master table (OL900)
F9861 is the OMW Status Detail (OL900)
F98210 is the OMW Log Header (SY900)
F98211 is the OMW Log Detail (SY900)
Thanx, good to know (But of course all this should not be necessary, because any decent developer will put this info in the Change Log).
Lol, good point. Sadly I don't develop in heaven. Neither do most of us
A Happy New Year John!

I translated your post (applying it to distinct APPL & UBE) into this SQL Server statement:

SELECT SY812.F98210.LHOMWPRJID AS Project, SY812.F98210.LHOMWOT AS ObjecType, SY812.F98210.LHOMWOBJID AS Original, SY812.F98211.LDOMWLDATA AS Clone
SY812.F98211 ON SY812.F98210.LHLOGKEY = SY812.F98211.LDLOGKEY
WHERE (SY812.F98210.LHOMWAC = N'06') AND
(SY812.F98210.LHOMWOT IN (N'appl', N'ube')) AND
(SY812.F98211.LDLOGSEQ = 1) AND
(SY812.F98211.LDOMWLDTAI = N'135H')
ORDER BY Clone, Original

Thank YOU!
Happy new year to you too Adrian

This is actually one of my yearly development tasks! I knew how to do it manually one at a time, so this SQL is exactly what I'm after

Thank you