Chaning report type to Update Report


Active Member
Hi, I created a simple report in RDA previously as No Update. Now we need to update a field in the same business view after processing each record. It kept failing. I believe I have to change the report type to Update for the UBE to work, but I couldn't change it in report property.

Can you share where I can change the report type to Update? Thanks.
You need to update the coumn SIOMIT in F9860. Set the value to blank or zero to signal an "Update" report. As far as I know, this can only be done through SQL, i.e. there is no app to update this. (But it would be simple to create one)
Hi wooi,

Craig is right.
On XE SP23 you can update SIOMIT fild in OMW
on UBE > Design > Install Merge Codes Tab > Omit Option (upper field)

