Ship to by State Total does not match the YTD total


We use JDE World A7.3 cum11. I have a world writer that is a Ship to by State and is assorted by state. The files it looks through are F42119 Sales Order History File and F0116 Address by Date. The data selection ar G/L Date Begin, G/L Date End, Company, Line Type= Values 'C''D''F''S'.I ran a report for the GLSales and the line totals matched the ship to by state but Grand Totals did not match. I have been working on this 4 weeks and am at my wits end. Is there something I am overlooking?

Any insight on this would be good.
Thank you
I think you may use the wrong file: F42119 has many records with status change, and the sales amount of same line turns many times. Could you please try use file F4211 instead for GL amount checking?

And the records which write to F42119 or not is base on Activity Rules? If activity rule not set up correct, you may miss some result!

Hope it may help.