Citrix Presentation Server 4


VIP Member
Anyone out there using Citrix Presentation Server 4 with Xe/8.0/8.9 or 8.10? I'm interested to see what SP or Tools that you're running.

Does anyone have a mix of 4.0 and 1.0? (Citrix doesn't officially support the farm with mixed versions)

I've got a decent size farm on Citrix Presentation Server 1.0 and have 2 new boxes to add with additional licenses and of course Citrix doesn't want to sell me 1.0 licenses they want to shove 4.0 down my throat (I'm the vendor but still trying to get 1.0 through my distributor).

I'm po'ed since 1.0 works and I don't really feel the need to upgrade an entire farm to 4.0 since we're moving everything to 8.12.


Good morning Colin,

I have XE running with Presentation Server 3. It works fine. Haven't tried out presentation 4 yet. You can run the farm in mixed mode, just don't stay that way. Eventually the farm will start to get flakey. Our biggest challenge was printer drivers. Make sure you have all of those accounted for before you start the upgrade.
