Item price after Advanced price adjustment calculation


Hello JDEList,

How to get the price after applying all advanced pricing adjustments schedules for a particular customer/item. I need to write a custom program to get the item price. Is there any business function that I can make use?

Appreciate any help in this regard.

I believe if u debug the edit line function for SO and find u could trace al the business functions involved and surely there is a bsfn....the bsfn would be starting with B45XXXXXX i think.....but u could build B4205120 and B4201500...the call for adv pricing would come in from there and u can debug from theer to really find the flow and should be really difficult from there i i think... there are standard jdeCallObject - calls other BSFNs....

please let me know if this helps.. U can customise it further for ur own objects..

u can also look at the application Price history (available in the row exit for SOE detail) would give u fair idea on the same...

Rajesh Garg

<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>
Calculate Sales Prices And Costs [CalculateSalesPricesAndCosts,B4201500,D4201500,CDIST]
szOrderType [DCTO] <- rpt_OrderType [DCTO]
szOrderCo [KCOO] <- rpt_CompanyKeyOrderNo [KCOO]
mnLineNo [LNID] <- '1,000'
szAdjustmentSchedule [ASN] <- rpt_PriceAdjustmentScheduleN [ASN]
mnAddressNo [AN8] <- rpt_AddressNumber [AN8]
mnShipToNo [SHAN] <- rpt_AddressNumberShipTo [SHAN]
mnShortItemNo [ITM] <- TK IdentifierShortItem[V5745520A,F4102,ITM]
szBaseCurrencyCode [CRDC] <- rpt_szBaseCurrencyCode_CRDC [CRCD]
szCustomerCurrencyCode [CRCD] <- TK CurrencyCodeFrom[V5745520A,F0301,CRCD]
mnUnitPrice [UPRC] -> rpt_mnUnitAmount_UPRC [UPRC]
mnListPrice [LPRC] -> rpt_AmtListPricePerUnit_LPRC [LPRC]
szBranchPlantDtl [MCU] <- TK CostCenter[V5745520A,F4102,MCU]
cTransferOrderCostMarkup [EV02] X <not assigned> <Blank>
szCompany [CO] <- rpt_Company [CO]
mnQtyShipped [SOQS] <- '1'
mnQtyBackOrdered [SOBK] <- <Zero>
mnQtyCanceled [SOCN] <- <Zero>
mnQtyOrdered [UORG] <- '1'
szTransactionUom [UOM] <- rpt_szUnitOfMeasure_UOM [UOM]
szPricingUom [UOM4] <- rpt_szUnitOfMeasure_UOM [UOM]
jdPriceEffectiveDate [PEFJ] <- rpt_DateEffectiveJulian1 [EFTJ]
cSuppressWriteToWF [EV04] <- '1'
mnDiscountTrade [TRDC] <- <Zero>
szLineType [LNTY] <- 'S'
rpt_mnFinalUnitPrice_UPRC [UPRC] = rpt_mnUnitAmount_UPRC [UPRC]
</pre><hr />

coincidentally I am currently trying to do just this. I have been working on a copy of B4201500 trying to remove unwanted code and improve performance. We need a quick method for telesales staff to see what the price will be outside of SOE. The problems that I see are that the standard logic expects certain things to be already created.

I will let you know if I get lucky but please if anyone out there knows of a nice way of doing this then please let us know.


Thanks all for the valueble comments.

I will try out this business function "Calculate prices and costs".

Welcome more solutions from JDElist.

