How to Launch UBE


hAS ANYONE USED LauncheUBE from an interactive application? I want to start an UBE from Interatcivr application and want ot overide the data selection of the version. The processing should be done for the record selected on a Find/Browse form. The UBE should be executed without requiring any user interaction for "On Screen" etc.
Reply at the earliest.
Hi sacmoho1972,
Have you ever used "Report Data Structure" ? if you do , you can add some DD which you need in it ,then when you call the UBE ,you can pass the paraments from the record selected on a Find/Browse form to the UBE.
Of course ,you should create a new version for the UBE.
But if you don't want to see the "on screen", I can't help you.

In order to accomplish this functionality you need do
the following

1. Add report interconnect on the UBE that you
would like to launch from interactive application
such that values selected on the forms can be
passed to this UBE

2. On an Interactive application, pass the FC/GC values
in report interconnect while calling the UBE

3. Inside UBE, at Initialize Section, add conditional
data selection such that if RI Values are not
blank, perform the data selection based on the
values received in the Report interconnect data
structure. Make sure to set "Set Selection Append
Flag to <No>".

With this design, you can launch the UBE independently
or either from another application. When launched
via another application, it will use the report
interconnect values for data selection. When launched
independently, it will use data selection provided
on the version.

- Girish Washikar
WhiteLight Group
Here I am at the earliest I've read your post!I've used B91300C, and my code looks like this:
Launch Batch Application [CTOOL,B91300C,LaunchBatchApplication]
DS szReport /* D91300T,OBNM */ <- frm_OBNM_NameObjectGL /* OBNM,String,10 */
DS szVersionJDE /* D91300T,JDEVERS */ <- frm_VER_VersionGL /* VER,String,10 */
DS cSynch /* D91300T,EV01 */ <- <Zero>
DS cPrintPreview /* D91300T,EV01 */ <- <Zero>
DS szDataSourceOverride /* D91300T,DATP */ <-
DS mnServerJobNumber /* D91300T,JOBNBR */ ->
DS cReturn /* D91300T,EV01 */ ->
DS cJDELogging /* D91300T,JDELOG */ <- <Zero>
DS cTracing /* D91300T,TRACING */ <- <Zero>
DS cUBELoggingLevel /* D91300T,UBELOGLVL */ <- <Zero>
DS szJobQueue /* D91300T,JOBQUE */ <- <Blank>

I've set Data Selection based on Processing Options, using B9090001:
Update Processing Option Data [CTOOL,B9090001,UpdateProcessingOptionData]
DS szNameObject /* D9000F,OBNM */ <- frm_OBNM_NameObjectVA /* OBNM,String,10 */
DS szVersion /* D9000F,VER */ <- frm_VER_VersionVA /* VER,String,10 */
DS szPOOptionID /* D9000F,POOPTID */ <- "2"
DS szCharacter /* D9000F,EV01 */ <->
DS jdDate /* D9000F,UPMJ */ <->
DS szString /* D9000F,@@P1 */ <-> frm_FIYR_szFiscalYear /* FIYR,String,2 */
DS nInteger /* D9000F,SAWRESGRP */ <->
DS idIdentifier /* D9000F,GENLNG */ <->
DS mnNumeric /* D9000F,SS */ <->
DS szProcessingOptionHelp /* D9000F,DTAI */ <->
DS szPOText /* D9000F,@@P1 */ <->
DS szDataItem /* D9000F,DTAI */ <-> frm_DTAI_szMyDataItem /* DTAI,String,10 */
DS szDataType /* D9000F,OWTP */ <-> frm_OWTP_szMyDataTypeOneWorld /* OWTP,String,2 */
Warm regards,
PS Next time I might reply before you finish posting your issue!
Hi Adrian,
Please explain the Processing Option to do it???
1. open the PO in design
2. print in design

You will get the ID printed for every PO field.

Hi sacmoho1972,
You want to launch a UBE Version, but you would like to change/override its Data Selection at run time - that is not possible.
A work-around is to use Processing Options to pass filtering parameters.
If you want to filter by an address book range, you add two address book processing options, to your UBE's template, and you shall Set User Selection, where the two address book numbers are used in the range to be retrieved by your UBE.
If I still wasn't too clear, please say it, and I'll try to explain further.
You're very welcome!
Hi All,
Thanks a lot for your assistance.
I managed it in the following way,

Make a NER with the exactly similar DS as that of Report DS.
In Report set user selection as per the DS values.
Call RInterconnect in the NER with NER DS values assigned to ReportInterconnect DS. Both NER and Report chould have OCM mappings to run at same location.
Call the NER from Interactive application.

It works....
Sachin M.