Security - Search Type for AB records


Active Member
Dear All,

Despite being well versed with JDE Security (hmm), I am ever frustrated with the methods available to apply Security over the Search Types for Address Book Records. My scenario involves users that require access to multiple Search types (i.e. B / V / S / XV etc.) and I am not sure the best way to control their access. If I use Row Security over the F0005 then I restrict their access to other UDC tables/values. Does anyone know a simple way to achieve this based on the access from W01012B and also the maintenance of records from within the P01012 that allows the user to enter additional values in the Search type box on W01012A
Try row exit security to restrict the Address Book search type in F0101.

*PUBLIC, Group and Individual user profiles shall be useful to you.
try using row security for object name *ALL, data item is AddressType1 and then use from and thru values.