Business Data Subset for PY


Active Member
We have a 15Gb production database and for reasons of disk space we want to only use a subset of this data for our PY and DV databases. Is it possible to only copy some of the data?
I am sure that we will need all the data in Address Book, business units etc but we don't need all the data in F0911 (for example). Is anyone aware of which tables we need to copy all data from and which ones we can copy the last months data only?

Someone must be doing this already I am sure


Hi: Yes, you can copy a subset of the
Business Data to PY/DV - many techniques
exist. For exmple, you can copy on selected
Business Units from F0901, F0902, F0911 -
these are the large tables. For F0006,
F0008, F0010 - just copy the full table, as
they are very small tables.


reasons of disk space we want to only use a
subset of this data for our PY and DV
databases. Is it possible to only copy some
of the
data?I am sure that we will need all the
data in Address Book, business units etc
but we
don't need all the data in F0911 (for
example). Is anyone aware of which tables
we need
to copy all data from and which ones we can
copy the last months data only?Someone must
be doing this already I am
on Compaq Proliant.
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Connect to the Power of Business (tm) with ILAP.
Depending on what you want to be able to test, I always copy the current year into PY. F0911 (glfy = 2), F0902 (gbfy = 2), F0311(rpfy = 2 or rpaap <> 0), F0411(rpfy = 2 or rpaap <> 0)