R047001A (One World XE)


Does anyone have a good knowledge on this report?
The Detail (F0411) Amount Open totals should always agree to the A/P Amount Balance (F0902). There should always be a zero difference between the two. Recently, since CIS module (Construction Industry Tax) was implemented in the system, the report is showing a huge difference in the region of of £135k against the CIS Account (20.13382). There is also big differences against the other accounts as well, apart from three offset accounts which are blank. I am not sure if the CIS amounts are linked to the other trade creditor accounts for the other hubs. From my experience the differences are normally caused by unposted payment batches (batch type 'K'). All batch 'K's are posted on time. Differences could also be caused by unposted entries after payments have been cancelled. I am struggling to find the cause of these differences. I have been using the Ledger Inquiry screen to find these differences and comparing it to the F0902 table but have been unsuccessful. I am not sure what are the benefits of the open A/P report to help resolve these differences. Is there any other reports that I can use to track these differences down? What other batches should I be looking for that may be causing these differences?
Please help!!!
Just a thought - is the difference related to the value of the Tax that has
been applied ?