date format change


Active Member

Anybody can help me to change the Date format from mm-dd-yy to dd-mm-yyyy
for the entire Applications.


Shiji :

You've got to go to GH9011, User Profiles, select the specified
OneWorld User, choose Date Format = 'DME' and Date Separator Character
= '/'.
In order to avoid nasty problems, check also that your clients and
Enterprise Server has the same date format.

Regards from Bolivia : Sebastian Sajaroff (JDELIST)
Goto Control Panel. Then Chose Regional Option. At Date Tab, change the Short Date format from mm-dd-yy to dd-mm-yyyy.

Cheers -:)
1 - Your idea is applicable when the OW User Profile Date Format is blank (default); in this (particular) case, the Date Format defaults from the Operating System (Regional option)!
2 - As far as I know, JDE uses a Julian Date Format in its transactions, therefore its data is Date_Format_Independent.
Warm regards,
Adrian Chimirel
PS See what Sebastian suggested: << ... GH9011, User Profiles, select the specified OneWorld User, choose Date Format = 'DME' and Date Separator Character = '/'. In order to avoid nasty problems, check also that your clients and Enterprise Server has the same date format.>>