Package Buiild Fai


Active Member
We are trying to run a full package build which worked with no problem in the past. All of a suddent I am getting the following showing up in the build log:



\\CS4JDEDEP1\B7333\PY7333\package\PY7333FG\work\jdertdll.c(2) : warning C4206: nonstandard extension used : translation unit is empty

\\deployment\B7333\PY7333\package\PY7333FG\work\jdertdll.c(2) : error C2857: '#include' statement specified with the /Ycjde.h command-line option was not found in the source file

LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file "\\Deployment\B7333\PY7333\package\PY7333FG\lib32\sCBUSPAR.lib"

Has anyone seen this before?

Window 2000 Enterprise and Deployment
SQL 2000 SP 3 - Central Objects