P0411 Match Voucher to alternate vendor


Active Member
Enter voucher detail on P0411 but no PO number. Click on Open Receipts. Now change vendor number on header and click find. the alternate vendor's open receipts will display. Highlight a row and click OK. You have now successfully voucher matched a supplier B voucher with a supplier A Open Receipt ?? We are on Xe 16.1[frown]
JDE tell me that there is a SAR 5584287 that asks for a soft warning. They also tell me that they intend to take no action on this SAR (status 04). They tell me that I should be setting up the right user security to ensure this cannot happen. Will investigate the possibility of restricting changes to the address number field when searcing for Open Receipts.

John Eccleton
We have used Row security on the W4314B on P4314 to prohibit any change on the address field. Discussion ends,
