Strange errors received during package built


Well Known Member

When doing a package build, I received the following error but strangely it does not stop the package to be successful.

Does anyone have an idea on why we have such errors and how to correct it?


Microsoft (R) Library Manager Version 6.00.8168

Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1992-1998. All rights reserved.

Microsoft (R) Library Manager Version 6.00.8168

Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1992-1998. All rights reserved.

LIB : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file "X0010.obj"


Creating library E:\B7333\TS7333\lib32\CALLBSFN.lib and object E:\B7333\TS7333\lib32\CALLBSFN.exp

LIB : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file "X0005.obj"


Creating library E:\B7333\TS7333\lib32\CRUNTIME.lib and object E:\B7333\TS7333\lib32\CRUNTIME.exp

LINK1181 error was being caused by the jde.pch in BusObj folder being locked. The lock was preventing the file to update.

The removal of the jde.pch from \\[ServerName]\b7333\PLANNER\BusObj will correct the errors. If the file will not remove, it might be locked by a process. Reboot of the machine should remove the lock and the file can be removed. Resubmit the package from Package Build History and Busbuild should run without errors.

Refer : E1: PKG: Buildlog.txt Shows Errors - LNK1181, fatal error C1083, jde.pch [ID 1146633.1]