JDE Performance: Go-To-End Functionality

Sanjiv Garg

Active Member
We having issue with JDE WebServer performance when more than 4 concurrent users click go-to-end button on wide open queries. The server response time is extremly slow and eventually becomes unresponsive with jvm ran out of heap memory. Following is configuraiton:

App/Tool Release: 9.0/
Application Server: OAS
Platform: VM/RHEL 5.4 64bit
CPU: 2, Mem: 6GB
Number of JVM: 2 with -Xmx1024m -Xms1024m

Any suggestions appreciated.
A quick fix is to disable the go to end functionality via action security. We do this on all applications by default to prevent such issues. This also forces users to be more selective in their queries. You can also now setup security to force users to enter search criteria instead of doing wide open finds.
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[*]Are your standard or custom app?

[*]check for table IO at event rules leve in Grid Record is Fetched event and replace this with NER