OMW Error 59 - User security is not authorized

Chris Quinn

Active Member
In OMW, E812, TL, I receive OMW Error 59 when promoting a UBEVER from DV to PY path code. Can anyone tell me what this means and what can I do about it?

Thank you
Chris Quinn
It could mean many things. Either your UBE that the version is referring to hasn't been promoted yet, or that there are missing activity rules from DV to PY for UBEVER objects.

Go back to OMW and look at the OMW Log - it will explain in greater detail what is at fault.

Lastly, perform a CHECK OUT and CHECK IN of the UBEVER on your workstation before you move it forward - if you cannot perform a check out/check in, then there must be an issue with the version.
A common cause of error 59 during promotion is when you are not the last one to modify the object and attempt to either check out a version that has a security setting of 1 or greater or promote a version that has a setting of 2 or greater. In the case of the version having a security setting of 1, you can still promote the object without checing in/out. With the case of security setting 2 or greater, only the last person to modify the version can promote it. I have had to change these security values "behind the scenese" in cases where the last person to modify the version was no longer with us in order to make things work. But this is a last resort. Hopefully this helps.